About Me

My name is Danielle and I attend Berkley Normal Middle School as a year eight. This blog is all about my learning in school and out of school. There are six people in my family my Mum, Dad, Myself, Amy, Hannah and Patrick. My family lives on a dairy farm where my Mum and Dad work. My hobbies are Irish dancing and swimming. My favourite is Irish dancing so I get to do competitions in Auckland and this year I'm aiming to go to the nationals. My favourite subject at school would be maths because there is always are right or a wrong answer; unlike english when you have to keep improving and keep improving . My favourite tech art is food because I really enjoy cooking and I would love to be on junior master chef. Every year my family go camping with about six other families. We take tents and our boats and go ski biscuiting and fishing and one time we went to Cape Reinga. My favourite year camping was when we visited and snorkeled at the Poor nights New Zealands' best snorkeling attraction. My family love fishing and we belong to a fishing club so we do competitions sometimes. We have been to Fiji and England and they are both great places to visit we went tobogganing and built snowmen in England and we went snorkeling and swam with Manta rays in Fiji. I hope you like my blog and please comment on some of my posts.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

The Block

The Block was a day where my team Aranui ( which is made up of 4 classes,)  split into ten groups to challenge each other in different activities e.g wall sit, tug o war, making a shelter, quiz, preparing for lunch, and decorating your shelter. Our day was focused on our PYP Unit Of Inquiry : How we organise ourselves, looking at The central idea: Individuals can impact on a community's ability to function effectively, and our three Lines of Inquiry: 
No:1 The form and function of communities
No:2 Understanding our role and responsibilities
No:3 The Impact of different communities on society

Each activity led into each other. We started with the quiz, if you won the quiz then you chose what you wanted to help you build your shelter, 2nd place gets 2nd choice and so on. Once we finished our shelter we started Tug o war and came 6th equal with 3 other teams. We were only aloud 10 people in our team to participate in that activity. Then in the next one we could only have 10 people again so it was compulsory for the person who sat out on the tug o war to participate in the wall sit. Next we decorated our shelter. This was called 'Pimp Your Shelter' again winners of the tug o war chose their decorations then 2nd place, 3rd place, 4th place , 5th place and finally 6th equal. While some people were still doing the wall sit we started to decorate our shelter and prepare lunch.

My group worked well on remembering to bring everything however there were going to have filled rolls but the two people who were bringing either fillings or buns weren't on the same page so we ended up with cream bins and ham, cheese and lettuce. We did well on the wall sit encouraging each other to say on longer. I would change how we made the shelter because there were more effective ways than how we made it. Other groups made it over a piece of string which I thought was a good idea. The block relates to the central idea and lines of inquiry because we needed teamwork and we worked as a community. It relates to the first line of inquiry because our group had to form and function well in order to do our best. It relates to our second line of inquiry because we had to know our roles and responsibilities within our group. We related to the central idea because we needed a leader who would help our group work together that impacted our group by us working together.

Some Photos from the Block

1 comment:

  1. I like the the time you've spent on your recount, I also like the shape you choose
